If you are an avid jogger, you likely already take your BFF (Best Furry Friend) along with you sometimes. However, did you know that with the help of your dog, you can actually maximize your workout? Cani-cross is a rising sport in which, while running, your dog uses his strength to pull you with the help of an elastic cord. You’ll benefit from this ultimate workout, and your dog will have a blast, too!
The Benefits
Is Cani-cross more beneficial and efficient than running solo? “Even when braking, there is a resistance that makes us use more energy than normal,” says Bérubé. “And when you let your dog run freely, you can reach a surprising speed.” On average, a runner can reach up to 20 km/hour. However, if your focus is more on endurance rather than intensity, a moderate effort on your dog’s part will allow you to run longer. Also, not only will you gain strength and endurance, but you’ll develop a bond with your dog that you’ve never had before.
How to Begin
The learning process will likely be more arduous for your dog than for you. Rather than walking at your side, your dog needs to be ahead of you so that you can benefit from his strength. Next, you need to teach him to run directly in front of you, as well as how to control his speed. If he pulls too hard while you’re headed downhill, for example, you’ll lose your balance. He’ll then be too tired to offer strength during the ensuing climb. “With time, you’ll learn to develop little tricks. You can therefore control your dog depending on his energy that day. What’s more important is to manage the effort, as well as the mutual assistance between you and your dog.
The Equipment
The apparel needed for Cani-cross comes in three pieces. First, there is a harness for your dog (much like the ones used for dog-sledding) that is affixed to a bungee cord. This softens the shock of your furry companion’s pulling momentum. The cord is then attached to a belt that you wear around your waist.
The Dog
Many Cani-cross adepts practice with actual sled dogs, such as Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Huskies and Greysters.