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Stefan Wincenty Frelichowski
Frelichowski to jedyny polski męczennik z II wojny światowej zamordowany w obozie koncentracyjnym, po którym zachowały się relikwie. Przechowywane są one w ścianie sanktuarium, a także w nielicznych relikwiarzach: u biskupa diecezji toruńskiej, w posiadaniu harcerzy hufca ZHP Toruń, u Kapelana Naczelnego ZHR, w Katedrze Polowej Wojska Polskiego w Warszawie, w Wyższym Seminarium Duchownym w Toruniu, w kaplicy Pałacu Prezydenckiego w Warszawie, a także w kościołach pod wezwaniem błogosławionego.
Sanktuarium znajduje się w kościele pw. Wniebowzięcia NMP i bł. ks. Stefana Wincentego Frelichowskiego, przy ul. Panny Maryi 2 w Toruniu. Doroczne uroczystości odbywają się tu 21 i 23 lutego.
He believed that a state in which all citizens would be scouts would be the most powerful of all. And in line with this idea, serving God and society, he gave his life for Poland and faith. He was raised to the altars and became the Patron of Scouting.
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Bl. Rev. Stefan Wincenty Frelichowski
With joy, we thank Divine Providence for the gift of the new blessed, priest, and martyr Stefan Wincenty Frelichowski, a heroic witness of love. He learned the secrets of the human soul and adapted pastoral methods to the needs of every person he encountered. He carried this efficiency from the scouting school of sensitivity to the needs of others and continually developed it. I want to address the entire Polish scouting family, with whom the blessed was deeply connected. May he become a patron for you, a teacher of nobility, and an advocate for peace and reconciliation." This is what Pope John Paul II said on June 7, 1999, during the beatification ceremony of Rev. S. Frelichowski in Toruń.
Stefan Wincenty Frelichowski
It didn't take long for the proposal of scouting organizations, supported by the Polish Episcopal Conference, to reach the Vatican. Scouts wanted the contemporary blessed to watch over Polish scouts, shaping their characters in service to God and Poland. Until then, the patron of scouts, as well as scouts worldwide, was St. George. However, ten years ago, the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments made the decision to declare Blessed Rev. Stefan Wincenty Frelichowski the Patron of Polish Scouting.
Frelichowski is the only Polish martyr from World War II murdered in a concentration camp whose relics have been preserved. They are kept in the sanctuary wall and in a few reliquaries: with the bishop of the diocese of Toruń, in possession of the scouts of the Toruń ZHP district, with the Chief Chaplain of the ZHR, in the Field Cathedral of the Polish Army in Warsaw, in the Higher Theological Seminary in Toruń, in the chapel of the Presidential Palace in Warsaw, and also in churches dedicated to the blessed.
The sanctuary is located in the church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Bl. Rev. Stefan Wincenty Frelichowski, at 2 Panny Maryi Street in Toruń. Annual celebrations take place here on February 21st and 23rd.